Monday, 8 February 2010

Ghost Story Blog

Hello All:

I was going to post these two videos over in you tube tonight, but for some stupid ass reason that is unknown to me, you tube is in a "Read only" state right now, so I have uploaded these videos to to share with all of you this evening.  These videos are of a semi-scary and semi-funny nature, so that is why I am posting these videos here for all of you this evening to watch and enjoy.

The first video is about an e-mail prank that one of my cousins or an old aquaintance of mine e-mailed me back in like 1998 or 1999 that involves a kitchen table here.  The story is pretty funny, as is the end result, so I hope that you enjoy the story about the "Ghost and the kitchen table" tonight, folks!

The second video is about Elvis Presley and his former residence, Graceland.  My husband, Tony sent me this, well, thing about Graceland that had something to do with Elvis Presley that had come from a local, (to me, any way) radio station, (102.7 fm  --  WEBN) back about the same time as the first video's incident took place here.  In the second video, I tell about the thing from Graceland and what my mom and one of my mom's sisters almost did to me when they watched that particular video with me here a little while later on in that same time period.

So, without further adieu, here is the two videos for you tonight!!  I hope that you really enjoy watching these two videos, folks!

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