Hello All:
I remember watching this above video from Michael Jackson the very first time that it ever aired on MTV or anywhere else for that matter, with my babysitter back then, (in 1982.) The video scared me shitless back then and I remember having nightmares for like a week afterwards. I also remember that my mom was livid that the babysitter, (a neighbor's daughter) actually allowed me to watch this video with her and her boyfriend at the time. I remember telling my mom about it last night, when I talked to her on the phone and I remember laughing about it now, because it was such a different time back then, (and man, was my mom overprotective of what I was "Allowed to watch" on television at the time, which was probably nothing more "Frightening" than like a PG movie at the time, mind you!!)
I know that there have been a whole lot of people calling Michael Jackson "Wacko Jacko" over the years, because of some of the stuff that Michael Jackson did back in the day, (like hanging his one son over a railing at a German hotel, which bothered me a whole lot, because I was afraid that Michael could have dropped the baby by accident that day.) I don't agree with labeling Michael Jackson "Wacko Jacko," because of his "Somewhat bizarre and/or erratic behavior," but it happens, folks.
What else I find is odd, folks is the manner of which way that Michael Jackson died. As I pointed out to my husband, Tony, Michael Jackson died from a heart related problem, just the same as Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Lisa Marie Presley's late dad, Elvis Presley died back in 1977. I wonder what would have happened if Lisa Marie had been there when Michael Jackson had died on Thursday, just like Lisa Marie had been there back in 1977 when her dad, Elvis had died. Talk about holy irony, folks!
Any way, folks, I just wanted to say that I feel sorry for Lisa Marie Presley, because she wrote over in her blogs in myspace.com that she feels "Deeply saddened that Michael was gone, because she (Lisa Marie) was hoping that Michael could have turned his life around and done something positive with it."
I just hope that Lisa Marie Presley can realize that although Michael Jackson probably made some "Wrong life choices" while he was alive, that at least Lisa Marie can have some some what happy memories of a better time in her life with Michael. I also feel sorry for Michael Jackson's children, because they were (and are) so young right now. I bet those poor kids are feeling confused, lost and scared, among a whole litany of other feelings as well.
I hope that all of you have a great weekend and a happy 4th of July next Saturday!! I hope to have something a little more "Halloween related" in this blog area some time soon!! Stay safe and be happy.
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