Saturday, 27 June 2009

Princes Diana - Elton John - Goodbye Englands Rose

Hello All:

Since I couldn't put Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video here in that below below, I am putting this video in its place. I remember living in London and passing by the palace that Princess Diana lived in back in 1995. When Princess Diana passed away, I remember actually crying, because I feeling like a piece of my own history had ended.

Scary Stuff On Video, RIP Michael Jackson.

Hello All:

I am leaving this blog up tonight because two days ago, (on June 25, 2009), a pop legend passed away suddenly. I'm sure that you know who I am talking about here, folks -- one Michael Jackson. I liked some of Michael Jackson's music, but as he got older, I have to admit that his facial features began to really creep me out. I always thought that Michael Jackson was so handsome back in the early 1980s and 1990s, but I was saddened and shocked when I saw him in the earlier parts of this century.

I am putting this blog here (and not in one of my other blog areas), because I am going to put a link to a video by Michael Jackson in the middle of this blog from over in you tube. I would have put the actual video here, but since the page that holds this video has "Turned off" video embedding for this video. If I had been able to just put a link directly to the video itself here, I would have done it outright, instead of just providing the link here for you all to go to the page to view the video that way.

The video link is here: There is a story involving this video, but first, I should tell you which video that this video is before you wonder what it is now. This video is the original Thriller video that Michael Jackson shot back in 1982.

I remember watching this above video from Michael Jackson the very first time that it ever aired on MTV or anywhere else for that matter, with my babysitter back then, (in 1982.) The video scared me shitless back then and I remember having nightmares for like a week afterwards. I also remember that my mom was livid that the babysitter, (a neighbor's daughter) actually allowed me to watch this video with her and her boyfriend at the time. I remember telling my mom about it last night, when I talked to her on the phone and I remember laughing about it now, because it was such a different time back then, (and man, was my mom overprotective of what I was "Allowed to watch" on television at the time, which was probably nothing more "Frightening" than like a PG movie at the time, mind you!!)

I know that there have been a whole lot of people calling Michael Jackson "Wacko Jacko" over the years, because of some of the stuff that Michael Jackson did back in the day, (like hanging his one son over a railing at a German hotel, which bothered me a whole lot, because I was afraid that Michael could have dropped the baby by accident that day.) I don't agree with labeling Michael Jackson "Wacko Jacko," because of his "Somewhat bizarre and/or erratic behavior," but it happens, folks.

What else I find is odd, folks is the manner of which way that Michael Jackson died. As I pointed out to my husband, Tony, Michael Jackson died from a heart related problem, just the same as Michael Jackson's ex-wife, Lisa Marie Presley's late dad, Elvis Presley died back in 1977. I wonder what would have happened if Lisa Marie had been there when Michael Jackson had died on Thursday, just like Lisa Marie had been there back in 1977 when her dad, Elvis had died. Talk about holy irony, folks!

Any way, folks, I just wanted to say that I feel sorry for Lisa Marie Presley, because she wrote over in her blogs in that she feels "Deeply saddened that Michael was gone, because she (Lisa Marie) was hoping that Michael could have turned his life around and done something positive with it."

I just hope that Lisa Marie Presley can realize that although Michael Jackson probably made some "Wrong life choices" while he was alive, that at least Lisa Marie can have some some what happy memories of a better time in her life with Michael. I also feel sorry for Michael Jackson's children, because they were (and are) so young right now. I bet those poor kids are feeling confused, lost and scared, among a whole litany of other feelings as well.

I hope that all of you have a great weekend and a happy 4th of July next Saturday!! I hope to have something a little more "Halloween related" in this blog area some time soon!! Stay safe and be happy.

Friday, 12 June 2009

This blog goes with that last blog that I posted from the other day.

US museum shooter son slams father's 'cowardice'

AFP/File – Flowers are left outside the US Holocaust Museum, after a security guard was killed by a white supremacist …

Fri Jun 12, 5:43 pm ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) – The son of white supremacist James von Brunn, who shot a guard at the entrance of Washington's Holocaust museum this week, slammed the "cowardice" of his father's actions on Friday.

"My father's actions are unforgivable," Erik von Brunn, 32, said in a statement to ABC News. "I do not expect, nor will I accept forgiveness for what he has done," he said.

Erik's 88-year-old father reached the entrance of the Holocaust Memorial Museum in the US capital on Wednesday, raised a .22 caliber rifle and fatally shot African-American museum guard Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39, in the chest.

Security guards returned fire, shot von Brunn and prevented him from entering.

Von Brunn will face murder charges for the crime, officials have said.

"I cannot express enough how deeply sorry I am it was Mr Johns, and not my father who lost their life," the shooter's Florida-based son said.

Erik von Brunn said his father's hatred for racial minorities and Jews destroyed his family, and resulted in the divorce between him and Erik's mother.

"My father's beliefs have been a constant source of verbal and mental abuse my family has had to suffer with for many years," he wrote in the statement.

"His views consumed him, and in doing so, not only destroyed his life, but destroyed our family and ruined our lives as well.

"Now, it is not only my families lives that are in shambles, but those who were directly affected by his actions; especially the family of Mr Johns, who bravely sacrificed his life to stop my father."

If convicted, James von Brunn faces life in prison without parole and could face the death penalty.

A search of the shooter's car left in the street outside the museum Wednesday turned up a notebook of handwritten anti-Semitic rants denouncing President Barack Obama as a Jewish puppet.

"The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do," said one of the notes, which was signed James W. Von Brunn, according to an FBI affidavit.

Erik von Brunn had blunt words for racists and anti-semites who idolize his father's actions.

"For the extremists who believe my father is a hero: it is imperative you understand what he did was an act of cowardice," he said.

"To physically force your beliefs onto others with violence is not brave, but bullying. Doing so only serves to prove how weak those beliefs are. It is simply desperation, reminiscent of a temper tantrum when a child cannot get his way."

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Some REALLY SCARY stuff that I saw on just now

Elderly gunman kills guard at Holocaust Museum

By NAFEESA SYEED and DAVID ESPO, Associated Press Writers Nafeesa Syeed And David Espo, Associated Press Writers – 12 mins ago

WASHINGTON – An 88-year-old gunman with a violent and virulently anti-Semitic past opened fire with a rifle inside the crowded U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum on Wednesday, fatally wounding a security guard before being shot himself by other officers, authorities said.

The assailant was hospitalized in critical condition, leaving behind a sprawling investigation by federal and local law enforcement and expressions of shock from the Israeli government and a prominent Muslim organization.

Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier said the gunman was "engaged by security guards immediately after entering the door" with a rifle. "The second he stepped into the building he began firing."

Law enforcement officials said James W. von Brunn, a white supremacist, was under investigation in the shooting and that his car was found near the museum and tested for explosives. The weapon was a .22-caliber rifle, they added. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss the investigation just beginning.

Museum officials identified the dead guard as Stephen T. Johns, a six-year veteran of the facility. In an e-mail, director Sara Bloomfield said he "died heroically in the line of duty."

Von Brunn has a racist, anti-Semitic Web site and wrote a book titled "Kill the Best Gentiles," alleging a Jewish "conspiracy to destroy the white gene pool."

In 1983, he was convicted of attempting to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve Board and served more than six years in prison. He was arrested two years earlier outside the room where the board was meeting, carrying a revolver, knife and sawed-off shotgun. At the time, police said von Brunn wanted to take the members hostage because of high interest rates and the nation's economic difficulties.

Writings attributed to von Brunn on the Internet say the Holocaust was a hoax and decry a Jewish conspiracy to "destroy the white gene pool."

"At Auschwitz the 'Holocaust' myth became Reality, and Germany, cultural gem of the West, became a pariah among world nations," it says.

The museum, which opened in 1993 and has drawn nearly 30 million visitors, houses exhibits and records relating to the Holocaust of more than a half century ago in which more than six million Jews died at the hands of Nazis. Its Web site says the museum "teaches millions of people each year about the dangers of unchecked hatred and the need to prevent genocide."

The museum was crowded with school children and other tourists at the time of the attack, but they all escaped injury in the outburst of violence.

Ashley Camp, 14, of Forsyth, Ill., on a field trip with more than 40 other students, said she heard two or three gunshots. Soon after, she recalled, a security guard ordered the group to run to the exit.

"We had to sprint as fast as we could out the door," she said. "I thought it was the movie (part of a museum exhibit), but then everyone started screaming and running."

The attack was the third in a recent wave of unsettling shootings that appeared to have political underpinnings.

A 23-year-old Army private, William Andrew Long, was shot and killed outside a recruiting office this month in Arkansas and a fellow soldier was wounded. The suspect, a Muslim convert, has said he considers the killing justified because of the U.S. military presence in the Middle East.

Late last month, abortion provider Dr. George Tiller was shot to death in his church.

At the White House a few blocks away from the museum, press secretary Robert Gibbs said he informed President Barack Obama of the events and the chief executive was "obviously saddened by what has happened."

Only last week, Obama visited the site of a German concentration camp at Buchenwald in Germany where he noted, "There are those who insist the Holocaust never happened." He added, "This place is the ultimate rebuke to such thoughts, a reminder of our duty to confront those who would tell lies about our history."

In a statement from Israel's government, Information and Diaspora Minister Yuli Edelstein said the shooting was "further proof that anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial have not passed from the world."

And the Council on American-Israeli Relations, a prominent American Muslim organization, said in a statement, "We condemn this apparent bias-motivated attack and stand with the Jewish community and with Americans of all faiths in repudiating the kind of hatred and intolerance that can lead to such disturbing incidents."

Within minutes after the attack, federal agents were dispatched to von Brunn's home in Annapolis, Md., to check his computer. Joseph Persichini, assistant director in charge of the Washington FBI field office, said the shootings were being investigated as a possible hate crime or a case of domestic terrorism.

According to a relative, von Brunn attended Washington University in St. Louis and is an artist.

He was commissioned as a naval officer decades ago, and discharged from the Navy in 1956. A cousin, Virginia Gerker of St. Louis, said in an interview she hadn't seen him in 50 years. She said her family had "disowned" him believed him to be mentally ill.

About a dozen years ago, he applied to have his art shown at a gallery in Easton, Md., according to two of the owners. Laura Era and Jennifer Wharton said they rejected his work and he stomped out.

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center said von Brunn's Web site has long been listed as a hate site.

The Rev. David Ostendorf, executive director of Center for a New Community in Chicago, a national civil rights group, said von Brunn has described in his own writings a long relationship with Willis Carto, founder of the Liberty Lobby, the Spotlight Newspaper and a well-known white supremacist and anti-semite.


Associated Press reporters Brian Witte in Annapolis, Md., Sarah Brumfield and Aaron Morrison in Baltimore, and Lolita Baldor, Devlin Barrett, Ted Bridis, Eileen Sullivan, Barry Schweid and Brett Zonger in Washington contributed to this report.